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August 29, 2017
О чем идет речь? Чем это интересно? Добавьте описание, чтобы привлечь внимание аудитории...

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August 30, 2017
О чем идет речь? Чем это интересно? Добавьте описание, чтобы привлечь внимание аудитории...

My home is my castle
March 09, 2017
We have installed video cameras and spotlights with motion sensors.
Now at any time we can see everything which is happening in our garden as well as outside it.

March 04, 2017
Such a wonderful dog, White by name, appeared in our house at the beginning of spring.
For more than 10 years he lived behind the bars and now is enjoying freedom, long walks and everybody's love.
White is very calm, obedient and, as most of the dogs from animal shelters, is immensely grateful.

Restoring Paradise
February 11, 2017
Dear Friends! With your help we begin to restore our Paradise. Here are the first Nubian and Alpine goats for our new farm. The color of their faces determined the "nationality" - new tribe will bear Indian names. Тhе girls are: Dakota, Seminole, Alabama, Nevada, Shady, Minnehaha & Princess Pocahontas. And the boys are: Cherokee, Osceola, Apache.)

January 31, 2017
In gratitude for help we took from Alabayhelp a dog Sheriff.
He was very thin with one front paw amputated.
In fact, he had no chance to find masters.
Sheriff has got on well with our dogs.
However, he noticed that our healthy Alabay dog Zagray was afraid of him
and took advantage of it. Now and then Sheriff looks severely at Zagray,
and the latter flees into the bushes, drawing in his tail.
Sheriff is very affectionate to people. It was difficult to take his picture,
because as soon as we bent down, he started hobbling happily towards us.

The King's Size
February 03, 2017
There is some good news, too.
Our ducks and geese didn't suffer from the fire, as they were kept in a separate small house.
When February frosts came, they started laying eggs.
In the photo you can see four geese's eggs, which are heavy with thick egg shells.
And next to them there are hens' eggs (all that's left from our hens).

The fire
January 18, 2017

Dog`s grief
January 19, 2017
This is our dog Kozulya, that permanently lived in the barn and was on friendly terms with all the animals there. Now she comes here every day and sits on the ruins for hours.

The lambs aborted during the fire
January 19, 2017

The general view of the ruins
January 19, 2017

The killed newborn kids
January 19, 2017

The killed newborn kids
January 19, 2017

The killed newborn kids
January 19, 2017

Victims of fire
January 19, 2017
The remains of the Brown Czech male goat; and five Alpine and Saanen goats, which were going to have kids at the end of January, but because of the fire there was premature labour and ten kids were born into flame. All of them died.

Victims of fire
January 19, 2017
The remains of ten pregnant sheep East Friesian milk breed and the male sheep.

Victims of fire
January 19, 2017
Dead young bull Silver (Jersey breed), cows Comet and Hermione (Krasnogorbatovskaya and Ayrshire breed).

January 18, 2017
At Epiphany our family faced a terrible disaster: there was an arson of our small farm.
All the animals died during the great fire, which completely destroyed our animal farm.
At the end of January we expected the kids to be born, but there was premature labour: ten kids were born surrounded by smoke and flame and died, as well as their mothers.
Two cows Comet, Hermiona and a young bull Silver were near the exit, but we failed to rescue them, as they had suffocated from the smoke.
The dead sheep were found closely pressed against each other.
Out of six cats only one was able to escape.
Our dog Kozulya managed to run away from the burning barn.
Unfortunately, our workshop (which adjoined the barn), where we kept all the tools and farm equipment,
was completely burnt, too.
This is how our farm looked at Christmas
January 06, 2017

The Animals' Friendship
December 01, 2016
In the barn the animals can communicate with each other, which they appreciate very much.

October 31, 2016
The goats are going to have kids and that's why each of them has its own enclosure.
All the sheep live together.
Tora sees to it that everything is in order.
However, the chief dog is Kozulya, she permanently, all day long, stays in the barn, is on friendly terms with the cats
and is on the alert whenever "an outsider" comes in.

Winter Palace
October 16, 2016
The construction of a winter barn in our farm is in full swing: we are having the walls and the roof warmed, the stove built and pens for sheep and goats made.

Milk Sheep
August 07, 2016
Now in our farm there are ten milk sheep and their leader - a male sheep Arthur.

A New Victim
July 14, 2016
A week ago the Witch from Mochalovo got down to her infamous deeds again and threw poison everywhere.
That night we didn't have a wink of sleep giving antidotes to Linda, Lisa, Polkan, Buria and Juliet, fighting in convulsions.
We were able to save all of them then. But five days later the Witch started once more her nasty actions.
And Juliet failed to overcome another poisoning. Her death from poison was witnessed by a local vet.

Inka"s Death
June 22, 2016
Inka has died, our brave little elf. She didn't go for long walks with all the dogs: her life was focused on our yard with its inhabitants.
It was quite enough for her to play in the garden, however, it turned out that even there she was not safe.
Probably, poison was thrown over the fence. More than once we were able to save bigger dogs, but Inka's small heart failed.

The Animal Farm
May 10, 2016
Father Alexei from Ukhnov church came to bless our animal farm. As if realising the solemnity of the moment the dogs behaved very calmly. Not only the goats were blessed, but also the other inhabitants of the farm: the hens, guinea fowls, goslings and ducklings, as well as their enclosures and summer houses. Our vegetable garden and the meadow, where our calves Silver and Comet were grazing, were also sprinkled with Holy water. We had brought the calves to Mochalovo the day before.
We are in high spirits now: our enemies' threats mean nothing to us.
Next day our hens and guinea fowls began laying eggs.
And the farm started working!

Christ Has Risen! He Has Risen Indeed!
April 29, 2016
On the very eve of Easter, on Holy Saturday, our neighbours Lena and Semen Bugay renewed their terrorist attacks.
Lena started breaking our fence and cutting branches of the grapes. Then she threw them vindictively on our tulip flowerbed.
And Semen walked about the village threatening with severe curses, which would be easily sent by his witch-wife to all the unwanted neighbours.
March 27, 2016
This year our dogs were vaccinated by our familiar vets from Ukhnov veterinary station. We were pleased to know that they even remembered the names of most of the dogs. All the dogs behaved quite decently. Though at first Elsa and Dina got panic-stricken at the sight of a syringe, but soon we were able to calm them down.
After the vaccination the dogs paid a visit to our goats.

Our Goats
February 26, 2016
Well, the first inhabitants of our small animal farm have appeared: Odyssey and Penelope. Odyssey is a two-week kid (breed Brown Czech), Penelope is one-year-old Alpine goat. The dogs accepted the goats with enthusiasm and even organized a kind of a fan club: they sit in front of the greenhouse (the goats' temporary house) waiting for the goats to be taken for a walk.
Penelope is destined to be Odyssey's wife. But now that he is a kid, they are simply good friends. You can't see them separately. Odyssey, jumping, always follows his sweet friend.
Hopefully, not more than in a year the couple will have a kid Telemachus and other kids. And our herd of goats will be able to feed not only our dogs, but everyone who will need help.

The Puppies Are Adopted
February 24, 2016
Our beautiful puppies were adopted amazingly quickly. Masha showed her friends their photos, and several days later all the little ones were taken by different Moscow families. How happy we were! I was especially touched by a seven-year-old boy who had his birthday and his parents decided to give him such a present. He chose the puppy himself. It reminds of the famous story about Kid and Carlson, doesn't it?

Dogs in the Manger
February 21, 2016
It is a severe February snowstorm, and as for us, we have started preparing our own small animal farm. We already have enough hay, and there is only a trifle we need: a cow and a couple of goats. Though I'm sure the workers who brought the hay were sure it was for the dogs. And they were right in a way: we got an excellent dogs' attraction.

February 17, 2016
I was about to leave for Moscow, when a car with unknown people drove up. They appeared to be residents of the nearby village Ryliaky. They brought us a box with six one-month-old puppies, which had been thrown right on a concrete slab. It is impossible to convince local people that we don't have an animal shelter. But, on the other hand, it's no use doing it: in any case we won't let these six blue-eyed puppies freeze to death only because the number of our own dogs is more than 30.
So we took the fluffy kids and for the time being put them in the greenhouse giving them food, blankets and an electric heater.
We can't afford to get attached to them, as we are going to find a new family to each puppy.

Liberated Prisoners
February 13, 2016
When publishing our site in social nets, we hoped to get some moral support, but the first thing we got was a cry of despair: two kind and quiet dogs, which lived in one of Moscow yards, had been caught and taken to an animal shelter. The situation was so stressful for Oliver and Linda that in no time they turned into desperate and gloomy creatures. They were doomed to die because not all dogs can live in captivity.When we came to take them home, Linda looked exhausted, as she had refused to eat anything. It is always so sad to watch the unfortunate animals in the shelter that before leaving I asked a volunteer if they had a dog which wanted to have home very much, but was not taken by anybody. And Buria was shown to me, a very calm and friendly dog, advanced in years, not very young, indeed. She came up and trustfully put her head on my lap. All three dogs turned out to be not troublesome at all. Valentina and Volt should have followed their example.

Epiphany Dipping
January 18, 2016
At Epiphany in the ice of the lake we made a hole in the shape of a cross. The dogs were obviously interested in the process, they played with the pieces of ice, but came up to the water with great care. In the evening Andrew with his friends dipped into the ice hole, but without the dogs, of course.

A Raid on Wolves and Sirius
January 17, 2016
Near the village of Labek there was a raid on wolves (so they are wolves, not our dogs that come to the farms from time to time).
Shots were heard in our village, too. In the morning Sirius started wobbling, he behaved as if he got blind and rushed about the garden in panic. He looked and behaved like Baron before his death.
Injections didn't help, so we had to make infusions.
A big thank to Moscow vets who gave us valuable advice on the phone.
Sirius recovered.

December 22, 2015
Lena Bugay came for the weekend, and the next day Rona had convulsions. Rona, Andrew's favourite dog. Is it a coinsidence?
We made gastric lavage and injections of antidotes. For several days Rona still walked wobbling, but she survived.

October 25, 2015
In the morning we went to the nearby village in our jeep "Patriot". On a ground road the car was led sideways and at full speed rolled over the roof, "flew" out of the road into the ditch and fell. By some miracle we had only bruises and...a broken car, of course.
We didn't get to the farmer we were going to, however, he paid us a visit himself. We hoped that on seeing our domesticated dogs he would understand that they couldn't have annihilated so cruelly all his flock. But it was more convenient to the farmer to accuse his neighbours, than prosecute wolves.
Still before leaving, he revealed the secret. It was the poachers, who had a grudge against us, that told him about our dogs. Strange as it might seem, but we had already thought so.
Wolves and Sheep
October 21, 2015
A policeman came: at night a flock of sheep was severely torn to pieces at a farm located a dozen kilometers away from our place.We explained patiently that our dogs always slept at home. The policeman shrugged his shoulders and showed photos of the sheep bitten to death.
We got in touch with the aggrieved farmer. It was absolutely clear that our dogs were not to blame, but the farmer kept on saying, "Can't say who, but somebody saw it himself."

Tomek Has Come Back
October 12, 2015
I took Baron to the town to medical examination. Certainly, we can't get him back, but we want to know what poisons our dogs are poisoned with.
After two weeks' absence Tomek has returned.
Has he been treating himself with herbs?
Baron's Death
October 10, 2015
Baron was found accidentally somewhere under a snag in the forest. We brought him home with great difficulties. He was breathing heavily, couldn't see anything and was afraid of everything. On getting home he had convulsions again. During his last day he rushed around the garden in terror, seeing nothing. In the evening he died.
Haven't heard anything from Tomek.
October 05, 2015
Kozulya had convulsions. Dina started wobbling. Immediately they were given antidotes. They were saved.
September 26, 2015
Baron had convulsions. We took him to Kaluga, but the vets told us that was epilepsy and there was nothing to worry about. A day later the same happened to Tomek. He was sick, there was a foam in his mouth and he was panic stricken. In the evening neither Tomek, nor Baron returned from their walk. They say dogs can leave their home when they feel they are going to die.
Everything According to the Law
August 27, 2015
All summer long, not without Bugay's assistance, there were a lot of policemen, investigation officers and other supervising and punitive authorities. Hardly had we left for a walk, when she made several phone calls. And by the time we came some people had already sat behind the bushes with their cameras ready to take photos. Everybody got very tired, in fact.
However, it became crystal clear that we didn't break the law.
July 15, 2015
An unexpected corner! Elena Bugay organized an attack to one of our neighbours. He was beaten and some gas was sprayed into his face, because he didn't sign the letter against us. Lena Bugay stood nearby, laughed and shouted, "This is because the dogs' owners are your friends !"
The police again preferred to ignore the incident.
Veterinary Control
July 15, 2015
Veterinary control from Kaluga came to our place. They didn't have any claims to upkeeping the dogs or their documents.
Administrative and Technical Control
June 29, 2015
Some members of administrative and technical control came. They hid behind the bushes and started taking pictures how we were returning from our walk.
How did they guess the precise time, I wonder?
Collecting Signatures
June 23, 2015
Lena Bugay is happy: she has started collecting signatures against us. However, some of the neighbours apologized saying they had signed the papers under pressure.
Committee Investigation
June 09, 2015
Elena Bugay brought to our house the head of local authorities and some of the neighbours, full of indignation. Even a journalist from a local newspaper "Yukhnov Vesty" came. We have lived here for a year and only now the neighbours thought of some objections against our dogs.
In fact, they didn' t have anything to say, except that they were afraid of being torn to pieces by the dogs. According to Semen Bugay, the whole village was eager to set our house on fire. Isn't it his wife's desire?
An article about irresponsible dogs' owners appeared in the local newspaper. We have become famous.
June 02, 2015
Elena Bugay phoned and shouted in a hysterical way that she was fed up with our dogs and was going to poison them all. Our attempts to calm her down and discuss the problem made her even more furious. Maybe, she felt hurt, as her husband treated us with sympathy.
Addition to the Family
May 30, 2015
During May three more dogs appeared in our family. Almaz's owner was in hospital and couldn't keep the dog any more. Bella and Juliet were friendly and lively, they were foundlings. On the first day in our family Almaz got lost. We with Semen Bugay looked for him for a long time. Two hours later Almaz returned, quite happy.
February 24, 2015
We invited vets from Yukhnov to vaccinate the dogs. Dogs took turns to come up to the vets and looked really interested in the process.
They definitely like guests.

Gladys is killed
January 17, 2015
Gladys was killed today. She lagged behind while hunting mice and got lost. We searched for her everywhere, put adverts promising money. They say she was seen in the nearest village fawning upon people. She was found on a road. Gladys was shot right in the heart. It was evident, by a professional.
Is Lobanov carrying out his threats ?
Both the police and prosecuting authorities were absolutely indifferent to our tragedy. They claimed that wasn't a cruel treatment of animals and we didn't suffer loss, as the dog was a mongrel. Besides, we still had loads of them.
December 30, 2014
Masha and Vasia arrived on New Year's Eve and brought Nando. He is large and snub-nosed and always gives his paw.

That Very Howl
December 20, 2014
Finally we found out whose heartbreaking howl we had heard in autumn. It was our Henry. Hounds have a very special manner of crying when they run around the forest and Henry is a vivid example. Once I even followed him thinking he was in trouble, lost my way and wandered around the forest for several hours, meanwhile not stopping hysterically lamenting he was scampering busy with his own business.
December 17, 2014
Finally the snow fell. In the evening Lobanov called. He was speaking aggressively and rudely. He claimed that there were no wolves, but these were our dogs that had occupied the territory within a ten-kilometer radius and attacked wild and domestic animals. I tried to dissuade him, but he turned to threats : "The dogs will start disappearing, they will be shot" - and hung up.

December 13, 2014
Coming back from Moscow late that evening, I noticed a dog two plots away from ours. At first I thought it was our Dasha, he was the same colour. But it was a large hound with clever eyes and skinny as a stick. I called Lobanov and offered him to take the hound. He was irritated by no reason and refused. Henry stayed with us.
Weather Forecast
December 12, 2014
Lobanov called and asked a weird question: "When will the first snow fall?" It was already the middle of December, the ground had been long frozen, but there was no snow. That was the question I could not answer. It was clear that Lobanov could not wait to declare a hot chase of wolves. I could just feel sorry for him and ask to be patient.
December 05, 2014
We had known shepherd Tora for a long time. When in Moscow we saw her with her masters at the Dog Field. But circumstances in the family had changed, and Tora became a burden. They decided to take her to the shelter. So we took her. Tora turned out to be a thin and nervous dog, apparently suffering from a lack of care and attention.
December 02, 2014
Lobanov came again: wolves had appeared in the neighbourhood and attacked livestock. The hunters were waiting for the snow to encompass them. He warned us that we shouldn't go far away from our house and should take care of the dogs. Touching concern.
Bim and Kozulia
November 19, 2014
It got really cold. The lake had frozen, so you could reach on ice a beaver lodge hidden in a dense brushwood on the shore. Andrew brought two poor things. Bim had two paws broken, but he was extremely good-natured and wanted to jump with everybody on the frozen ground. Kozulia was small, slim and timid. She huddled in the corner and did not want to go out in the cold. When she was worried she screamed piercingly like a pterodactyl.
November 19, 2014
It got really cold. The lake had frozen, so you could reach on ice a beaver lodge hidden in a dense brushwood on the shore. Andrei brought two poor things. Bim had two paws broken, but he was extremely good-natured and wanted to jump with everybody on the frozen ground. Kozulia was small, slim and timid. She huddled in the corner and did not want to go out in the cold. When she was worried she screamed piercingly like a pterodactyl.

Sweet Talk
November 02, 2014
Lobanov came again and brought a jar of honey. He was asking compassionately about the dogs for a long while. Where do they walk? What do they do? Are there hunting dogs among them? He told us about his dog that had been poisoned by his neighbour. He asked to take a laika or a mix with hunting skills for him from the shelter.

Wee Willie Winkie
October 14, 2014
It got very cold, and Andrew picked up a small dog on the street whom he had been feeding up on his way to the village. Willie looks like a big Yorkshire Terrier, likes to climb on your hands and goggles like a character of the English song "Wee Willie Winkie".

September 26, 2014
At night a heartbreaking howl came from the forest, as if a wounded animal was lamenting. Or a ghost. It made your flesh creep. The howl moved to the opposite end of the village and faded. I had no idea who it could be.

Tomek and Pirat
September 11, 2014
Tomek and Pirat emerged from nowhere, sat at our gate and started barking. We had to let them in. What could we do? The neighbours were just waiting when the dogs would run around the village to complain to the police. How could we explain that all our dogs stayed home and new ones came "by recommendation". Tomek was almost wild and reluctantly allowed to approach him. Pirat gazed longingly at food and swallowed slobber.

Visit of a Game Manager
June 08, 2014
In the morning a jeep with three men in camouflage uniforms drove up to the house. They turned out to be a game manager Lobanov Alexander Ivanovich and the huntsmen. They came because the residents of the village five kilometers away from our house who had seen the dogs and been scared filed a complaint. As it appeared, Lobanov and his companions expected to see a pack of angry dogs and inadequate masters. We apologized and explained that we had not wanted to scare anybody, we just did not know villagers' favorite places for picking berries.

June 02, 2014
Andrew brought Malyshka from the business trip to Rostov. She was in awful condition: all her body was covered with horrible mats and tongs were hanging down in disgusting clusters. When she had been taken care of she obviously felt a relief and started getting out from under the car where she had been hiding first days.

May 31, 2014
We were exploring new territories. Our back gate looks out onto the edge of the forest, there is a desolate field nearby where no farmwork was being carried out that year. There is a lot of space, so all we had to do was to develop routes for walks.

Meeting our Neighbours.
May 15, 2014
We met our fellow villagers. The first meeting took place on neutral territory. We brought treats, gave everybody our phone numbers, so that fellow villagers could get in touch with us any time and formulate their wishes. They could not understand why we needed so many dogs, but what was important for them that the dogs would not run around the village. We were capable to fulfil this demand, so it would not be difficult to establish relations. Our nearest neighbours, Muscovites Semen and Elena Bugay came to visit us, hand-fed our dogs.

The Beginning of a New Life.
April 30, 2014
It happened! We moved to our new fairy-tale-ish house with sixteen "Moscow" dogs. Our joy was uncountable, all the troubles were behind and we were full of optimism. But the dogs were confused, they were tailing after us and could not understand when that unusual walk would be over and they return to the town residence.